How do I add a New User
There are a number of pieces of information and decisions which need to be made before you add a new User.
- Ensure that you have the new Users First and last name and email address.
- Decide whether this user is a "joint User" in which case you do nothing other than give him the password and show him how to log in.
- Decide in which Role the User will act within the system. If you are unclear read the section on Roles.
Creating a New User
The system administrator should then proceed with the following steps:-
- Login to TMMS and go to My Apps at the top left hand side of the screen.
- At the Bottom right of the screen click on Manage magagascaroil which will bring up the following screen:
- Click on the Provision Users link.

The following screen is then displayed and should be completed as shown below. Once the details have been entered, then the form needs to be saved.

Once the user has been "Provisioned" the user can return to the application and invite the User to Quickbase by Going to the "USERS" tab on the home bar, then click the green button "Share App with New User" as follows:

This completes the Quickbase part of the process. The User then needs to follow the steps as outlined in "How to get Access"
Add User to Application System Users
Depending on the Role the new User is to take on there are a number of additional steps to be completed, and these will be described in the following sections by role.
The system needs to know which Business Units the User is allowed to create Requisitions for. These are defined in the System Users Table. The administrator should find this table, using the right hand side drop down search on the Home Bar which will bring him to the following screen.
Select the green button "+New User", the following screen is displayed.

Once the record has been saved, the additional fields are displayed as follows:

Click on the Add access records, allocate which Business Units the User has the rights to add Requisitions for, as follows:

Complete the details as required, then Save or Save and Add a new record for multiple Business Units.