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How do I reset the Sandpit?

In order to recreate the Sandpit, the User must have been allocated "Administrator" privileges. The following describes the process for copying the database and setting the appropriate security keys to enable the other users to access the Sandpit.

Step 1 go to "My Apps", by clicking on the Tab at the top left hand side of the screen once logged in. See Below.

Step 2 -  The following screen will be displayed and then you select "Manage Madagascar Oil"

Step 3 - The following screen is displayed, select the applications tab and then select the existing "TMMS - Sandpit - 2013-12-02" , by clicking in the selection box as shown. Once you are SURE you have selected the correct database, click on the delete button. You will be asked to confirm, and finally confirm by typing YES in the presented form.

Step 4 - Now that you have created some same in the Account, it's time to copy the existing database and make a new Sandpit. This is done by going back to the "Total Material Management System Tab"
Step 5 - Go to the Home Screen, then click on the settings button, as below.

Step 6  -  Select Application Management as below

Step 7 - The following screen is displayed, and you need to select Copy Application, in the Manage Application paragraph as below.

Step 8 - Complete the fields highlighted by the Arrows, and hit Copy the application.
The system will copy the application and place you in the Tab of the new application. The process is complete, and you can log out or return to the Main Application Tab.

Step 9 - Then select the settings tab for the copied app. You now need to set the application token. Go to the "APP Properties" as seen below.

Step 10 - The following screen comes up, select Manage Application Token

Step 11 - This opens the following screen.

Step 12 - Once this screen comes up, enter the Same application token passed to you by Email.

The Copy is complete, and will allow users to utilise the buttons, which require the Application Tokens.

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