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How do I check if a PO is available for export?

Purchase Orders Ready for Export

A Purchase Order (PO) is ready for export under the following circumstances:
  1. The PO is in the status of Approved and Issued, or Fulfilled,
  2. The PO has an Associated Sun Vendor Code,
  3. The PO has not been batched for Export before. (ie there is no previous related Batch No),
  4. The PO Number does not begin with the following : "PO-131", as these number were pre going live.

Checking if a PO is available for Export

In order to check if a PO is or would be available for Export,
  1. Go to the Export Dashboard,
  2. Click on the blue button marked "PO's Awaiting Export" - This will take you to the report from whcich you can enter our PO number in the search box. If the PO is available for Export it will be displayed.

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